Thank you for your choices of videos on aspects of the Middle Ages. I put them on my playlist and, slowly but surely, I will go through them.
Where you happy with your choice or, if you could go back, would you choose something different? It was a shot in the dark and, I assume, some of you may have not picked the best to suite your interests.
OR, you lucked out and now you are curious to find out more about that specific topic, or venture out and expand research on other, related issues.
I was initially very excited about the video I found. It is a university video about the figure Charlemenge and his struggle to rebuild the Roman Empire during the Middle Ages. The more interesting features of the film were actually about the divisions of power and the societal structure that existed at the time. Early in the video the instructor explains the hierarchical division of slaves as landowners and militia fighters. It's fascinating to think there was a time when someone who was a slave and owned by a wealthier landowner was still a landowner themselves and had critical power and authority even beyond their masters. Once I saw other topics that were being discussed I was more interested in the videos that other people had found about sex, religion, and piety at the time. I'm still happy with my selection but would like to explore some of the other topics that were mentioned.
ReplyDeleteThere would be days where I'd be bored and just switch on the TV or roam Youtube. Watch a show or a documentary. I stumbled upon my video and enjoyed watching it. However, I would totally choose an older documentary for my choise because I think a lot of the modern ones are a little bit too cheesy and dramatic.
ReplyDeleteI thoroughly enjoyed the video that I picked. I scoured YouTube for hours before finding it. Although it was quite long, it provided me with a new perspective on the old notions of sex that I once held.
ReplyDeleteI was happy with my choice because personally I love watching videos on how things are made. I love watching cooking videos, factory, and handmade produces. My choice of video was fasinating to watch because today you won't be able to see anyone making illumiated manuscript in person. Especially not with the materials they were using in the old days.
ReplyDeleteI didn’t regret my choice of the video, Europe after the fall of Rome. I was interested in the topic so I wanted to find out more about specific regions of Europe during the Middle Ages. I like learning something new especially when it comes to our history and I also didn’t mind reading and watching other student’s topics as well.
ReplyDeleteI did like my video choice of Thomas Aquinas because it spoke of how he used Aristotle to further his beliefs. (Because of Aristotle's role in the Name of the Rose, I felt my video very relevant.
ReplyDeleteI thought the information from my video was very relevant, interested me personally, and taught me many new things about the lives of monks which I'm curious to continue researching. But, as I mentioned, the production value and way it was presented was a bit silly, and I had trouble taking it seriously.
ReplyDeleteI was happy with my video choice and I don’t think I would change it. I was very interested in learning about the fall of Rome and all the drama and manipulation that came along with it. I thought all of the battles and invasion scenes were very interesting and I enjoyed hearing about the tactics they used. I’m more interested to learn about what happened after the barbarians toppled Rome.
ReplyDeleteI am glad that this question was asked, because I would have pick a different video that focused on a specific part of the Dark Ages. I found myself have more interest in documentaries. The video lecture I choice covers more details regarding the transformation of the Roman Empire to a more “primitive state”. The video emphasis the cataclysm of that period and what leads to the collapse of the west wing.
ReplyDeleteI am happy with my choice, but I would change my decision if I could have known more about the history of Dark age and ancient Rome. The one I chose was partly based on true history and partly fictional. I could not tell which one is real but it really engages me. I would like to explore more about ancient Rome, how the country’s power fall into Church’s hand but I did not find related videos. These videos would interest me a lot.
ReplyDeleteI think, that I have stereotypes about Dark ages, that were very hard to break. I feel like I did not know enough about the topic, to be able to find something, that would suite my interest. A lot of them talk about religion in great detail, not being Christian, theme of religion seems too abstract and distant. But now, especially after watching The Name of the Rose, I feel I can relate to it more.
ReplyDeleteThe video I picked was a little different then what I am accustomed to knowing about the dark ages. If I could go back and redo the assignment, I would have went back and did more research on the the effect the black plague had on the population, not just death, but rather beliefs. My curiosity lies within the effect religion had in the region.